The mineral of asbestos became a common construction material back in the late 19th century. For many years it was popular in the industry owing to its economical nature, keeping costs down as the building of new houses was increased.
However, over time dangers of the material were discovered leading to the risk of several serious diseases, including asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. Asbestos was banned from further use throughout Australia in December 2003 which included both its export and import.
Laws are in place for proper procedures to be adhered to when carrying out asbestos removal in Perth.
When buildings are demolished or renovated, it is mandatory under the Western Australian code of practice that it is out under the supervision of a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU). Their job is to ensure the health and safety of the workers working on removals.
Experts in asbestos removal
The PCBU is likely to be an employee of an expert company in asbestos removal. A company will have vast experience of up to a couple of decades, having completed many projects in that time and gathering a wealth of experience.
It is a skilled job with highly trained technicians carrying out the tasks wearing specialist safety equipment, whether it is from roofs, or from pipe and boiler lagging. The works are carried out by the highest calibre vacuum machinery, some of which are mounted on mechanical hoists to enable the job to be completed in a timely manner.
Safety first
The job is highly dangerous as bonded asbestos used in such lagging can break into powder with minimal contact, which can lead to poisoning if inhaled and digested.
Before work can start on the renovation or removal it is essential to put detailed plans in place to ensure total safety. Only those companies with a government license are legally permitted to deal with asbestos. They will know the exact procedure and how to safely dispose of the materials.
Cover yourself
If you are the owner or manager of a property, it is your legal responsibility to ensure safety within the premises. If you have any doubt, then contact the experts to come to inspect. Don’t wait for problems to arise when it can be too late.
Call in the experts, ease your mind and make sure that your removals and renovations are carried out legally and with a minimum of fuss.